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  1. Sire Friends

Sire Friends

  • Sire Friends
게시판 상세
제목 Will Howard - USA
작성자 SIRE KOREA (ip:
  • 작성일 2019-04-18 11:05:50
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 16010
평점 0점

Will Howard


Please tell us briefly about yourself? And what you’ve been up to these last few years?

I’m a Bassist/producer/Composer Based out of Chicago IL but travel world wide. I have over 25 yrs professional experience working with a wide variety of artist in multiple genres. The last few years I have been expanding my career by doing clinics and writing Blogs and helping consult with product development as well as continuing to play and produce.

How did you get to know Sire Bass and what is your first impression when you play Sire bass for the first time?

I was introduced to Sire by my good friend Jauqo-III-X who came back from the 2015 Winter NAMM show and let me check out the V7 before they hit the market,I was very impressed immediately at the quality of the instrument and later, When I acquired my own,the consistency of the construction.

When and how did you start playing bass?

I started playing Bass guitar when I was 12 yrs old after seeing Bassist Al Hamilton play at church. I had played Drums,Guitar Clarinet and Sax before that but knew I found my main instrument the minute I saw him play. Al later became a mentor and encouraged me to develop as a complete musician by furthering my formal studies.

Are you a professional musician or a member of any band? If so, would you tell us about your music career?;

I am a professional musician and lead several projects including Soulgroove and Willgroove2 as well as produce music under the name Willgroove as well as play as a sideman for amazing artist.

Your project Soulgroove is very interesting with the combination of funk, hip hop and jazz, how did you come up with this project and why you combine those style in your project?

Our Motto with Soulgroove is “music to groove your soul” our goal is to make music that speaks to the whole person at any age race or Gender and the combination of styles is just a natural reflection of who we all are as people and our influences as a individuals and collectively.

You are obviously very talented, as you bass player, composer and also you have produced music. Do you still focus on these thing or you are focusing on one thing more than others?

I’m continuing to build on the foundation I have set over the years while doing more Clinic presentations and and expanding my media presence with writing blogs,conducting interviews and making video’s as well as working with young people.

What does music mean to you?

It’s the soundtrack to my life

What or who were your early passions or influences of music do you play?

I grew up playing in Church but am a formally trained Jazz musician so Jazz,Soul,R&B,world music and Pop are life long passions.

Do you think the Music can do something to this world?

Every society on earth has some type of music,the voice and the drum are almost universal so music is too. Music is a common thread that has brought people together through out history and will continue to in the future.

Any advice or suggestion to Sire guitars?

Continue to focus on delivering a great product at a great price at the same quality as they have been and continue the great customer service.

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